The Feminist Pedagogy Conference took place from 8:00am-7:00pm on Friday April 17th 2015 at the CUNY Graduate Center.
The conference was a great success, thanks to all who participated! A few presentations have been archived and can be accessed through the links below.
Use the hashtag #cunyfpc to tweet about the conference.
Click on each session below for details
8:00-9:00 am: Breakfast, Registration, and Opening Remarks (Room 5409)
9:00-10:20 am: Concurrent Sessions (A) (rooms 5409, 8400, 8402, 9207)
10:30-11:50 am: Concurrent Sessions (B) (rooms 5409, 8400, 8402, 9207)
12:00-1:20 pm: Concurrent Sessions (C) (rooms 5409, 8400, 8402, 9207)
1:20-2:30 pm: Lunch (room 5409)
2:40-4:00 pm: Concurrent Sessions (D) (rooms 8400, 8402, 9207)
4:00-6:00 pm: Keynote Address: “Scholar-Activist Pedagogies at the Neoliberal University.” Jasbir Puar. (Kelly Skylight Room, 9100)
5:45-7:00 pm: Reception hosted by The Feminist Press (Feminist Press Office, room 5406)
Detailed Schedule
8:30am: Welcome
Session A: 9-10:20am
Institutional Politics, Policy, and Disidentifications; Room 9207
“The Racial Contradictions of Safe Space: The Graduate Center, Gender Inclusivity, and Differential Institutional Diversity,” Sean Kennedy, The Graduate Center, CUNY
“How the CUNY Graduate Center Adopted its First-Ever Parental Accommodation Policy for Graduate Students,” Catherine Young, The Graduate Center, CUNY
“GamerGate, Agency, and the Composition Classroom,” Seth Graves, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Moderator: Tracy Riley, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Feminist Approaches to Evaluation and Materials; Room 8402
“Centering Students’ Experiences in the Sociology Classroom: A Feminist Teaching Project,” Alison Better, Kingsborough Community College, CUNY
“Feminist Pedagogy and the Abolition of Grades,” Stina Soderling, Mount Holyoke College
“Engaging Students in Assessing Classroom Culture,” Leslie Gates, Millersville University
“Transforming C-R: Primary Sources as Examples of the Relationship Between Documentation, Oppression, Power, and Collective Memory in Feminist Pedagogy,” Julie M. Porterfield, Penn State University
Moderator: Heather Denyer, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Necessary Networks, Real Identities: The Digital and the Analog in the Writing Classroom, Feminist Theory and Pedagogical Practice, Room 8400
“Ain’t I, Uneyed, An I ”, Tonya Foster, The Graduate Center, CUNY
“Joining the Analog & the Digital: Recuperating Student, Radical Voices”, Margaret Galvan, The Graduate Center, CUNY
“Implicit Theory Explicit Body: Feminism, Phenomenology, Pedagogy”, Leah Souffrant, New York University
Moderator: Danica Savonick, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Feminist Pedagogy Beyond the College Classroom, Room 5409
“‘I want to help people’: Using feminist pedagogy to get beyond the savior complex,” Gwendolyn Beetham, Douglass Residential College, Rutgers University
“Teaching Queer, Transnational Feminisms in the High School Classroom,” Ileana Jiménez, Feminist Teacher ( and LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School)
“Community of Philosophical Inquiry as a Practice of Feminist Pedagogy: A strategy for a feminist classroom drawing from my experiences teaching in prisons,” Brandyn Heppard, Raritan Valley Community College/The New School
“Resisting Hierarchies: Using Feminist Pedagogical Theory to Enhance Mentoring at the Young Women’s Studies Club” Claire Plourde, San Diego State University
Moderator: Timothy Giriffiths, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Session B: 10:30 – 11:50 AM
Civic Engagement at Kingsborough CC: A Feminist Pedagogy of Art, Activism and Social Justice for the Two Year College, Room 9207
Madeline Sorel, Kingsborough Community College, CUNY
Maureen Fadem, Kingsborough Community College, CUNY
Jamila Wallace, Kingsborough Community College, CUNY
Anna Sacerdote, Kingsborough Community College, CUNY
Zanib Ahmad, Hunter College, CUNY
Dalila Mendez, Brooklyn College, CUNY
Farin Kautz, Columbia University
Gabrielle Navarro, Kingsborough Community College, CUNY
Ebony Thurman, Kingsborough Community College, CUNY
Challenges of Feminist Pedagogy in the Corporate University, Room 8402
“Against the Odds: Feminist Pedagogy in the Adjunct Classroom,” Elizabeth Decker, The Graduate Center, CUNY
“Composing Bodies: Towards a Transfeminist Approach to Composition Practices,” Melina Alice Moore, The Graduate Center, CUNY
“Developing Feminist Pedagogues: Teaching Feminist Pedagogy – Praxis and Practice,” Jill M. Wood, Penn State University
“Feminist Pedagogy in the Second Language Classroom,” Raquelle K. Bostow, Vanderbilt University
Moderator: Kaitlin Mondello, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Beyond the Classroom: Critical Reflections on Transnational Feminist Pedagogies, Room 8400
“Transnational Feminist Pedagogy: Teaching and Learning Across Borders” Charmaine Crawford, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus
“The Caribbean Institute in Gender and Development (CIGAD): Twenty Years of Using Feminist Pedagogy for Regional Social Change,” Fatimah Jackson-Best, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus
“Feminist Pedagogies for Examining Gender-Based Violence in the Caribbean: Lessons from the Classroom,” Halimah DeShong, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus
Moderator: Makeba Lavan, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Knowing Your Place: Personal Politics and Professional Perception on the Non-Tenure Track, Room 5409
“Intersectionality in the Classroom,” Stephanie Campos, The Graduate Center, CUNY
“The Ethics and Ethos of Care: Emotional Labor and Real Talk in the College Classroom,” Carolyn Chernoff, Skidmore College
“Sowing Seeds on Rocky Ground: Feminist Pedagogy in a Catholic College,” Nadeen M. Thomas, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Moderator: Roya Biggie, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Session C: 12:00-1:20pm
Feminist Editing and Publishing at CUNY, Room 8400
Cynthia Chris, College of Staten Island
Matt Brim, College of Staten Island
Moderator: Kristina Huang, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Embodied Pedagogies, Room 8402
“Many Headed Hydra: The potentials of a Feminist Pedagogy in the Writing Classroom” Aparajita De, Kingsborough Community College, CUNY
“Subversive Identities in Performance: Bridging Theory/Connecting Practice”, A’Keitha Carey, Texas Woman’s University
“Feminist Teaching with Pornography”, Benjamin Eleanor Adam, The Graduate Center, CUNY
“Dressed to enjoy”: Feminist Teaching Strategies in the Classroom, Leyllyanne Bezerra de Souza, Federal University of Pernambuco – Brazil
Moderator: Benjamin Eleanor Adam, The Graduate Center, CUNY
FemTechNet’s Distributed Open Collaborative Course (DOCC): Structures of Praxis, a Workshop (Part I), Room 9207
This interactive workshop will introduce participants to FemTechNet’s Distributed Open Collaborative Course. Participants will be invited to develop ideas about distributed and connected feminist pedagogies and how to build cross-institution and community-based courses. Ideally participants will join in Part I and Part II (see session D below), but may also attend just one of these sessions.
“FEMINIST: FemTechNet as a Feminist Technological Innovation,” Anne Balsamo, New School for Public Engagement
“TECHNOLOGY,” Lisa Brundage,CUNY Advance, and Emily Sherwood,Bucknell University
“NETWORK,” alex cruse
“DISTRIBUTED,” Maria-Belén Ordóñez,OCAD University
“OPEN,” T.L. Cowan, Eugene Lang College
“COURSE,” Karen Keifer-Boyd, Pennsylvania State University
Digital and Creative Approaches to Feminist Resistance, Room 5409
Moderator: Kevin Cedeño-Pacheco, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Participants will be invited to engage with an interactive art piece and view an original film. A question and answer period will follow. Conference attendees can also visit the art space between panels or during meals.
“Hurt People, Hurt People: An Open Art Space for (Micro)Aggressions”
Rheem Brooks, Brown University
Maura Pavalow, Brown University
with The PAR Team, “Microaggressions at Brown”
The Post-Feminist Diaries: Personal Narrative and Digital Spaces as Relevant Pedagogy
Nicole Ferry, Washington State University
Mary Ward Lupinacci, Washington State University
Lunch: 1:20-2:30 pm (Room 5409)
Session D: 2:40-4:00pm
FemTechNet’s Distributed Open Collaborative Course (DOCC): Structures of Praxis, a Workshop (Part II), Room 9207
See description above.
Creating Community Within (and Beyond) the Composition Classroom, Room 8402
“Creating Community by Introducing Complexity”, Danika Myers and Tina Plottel, George Washington University
“Service-Learning: Serving Community to Build the Classroom Community”, Zivah Perel Katz, Queensborough Community College
“Creating Community Through the First-Year Common Reading Program”, Caroline Smith, George Washington University
“Creating Community through Language: Linguistic and Dialectical Diversity in the Community College Composition Classroom,” Melissa Dennihy, Queensborough Community College
Moderator: Catherine Young, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Intersectional Feminist Pedagogy: Queer & Disability Studies in the Feminist Classroom, Room 8400
“Queer Theory, Feminist Theory, and the Neo-Liberal Arts,” Kelly Ball, Agnes Scott College & Ellen Cox, Transylvania University
Keynote Address: “Scholar-Activist Pedagogies at the Neoliberal University.” Jasbir Puar: 4:00-6:00 pm: (Kelly Skylight Room, 9100)
Reception hosted by The Feminist Press: 5:45-7:00 pm (Feminist Press Office, room 5406)